Saturday, February 1, 2014

15 Pounds in One Month

Not to give away the ending, but the title says it all. Despite gaining weight several times on this plan through no fault of the plan, I still lost a net weight of 15 pounds. Here's my progress below:

As you can see, weight loss is incredibly fast when you first start. My guess is that any drastic change in your eating habits from food that includes a portion of unhealthy items to a healthy diet will cause rapid weight loss in the first 2 weeks. No big surprise there, right? What was interesting and eye opening for me was how sensitive my body was to straying from healthy eating. Any time I ate more than I needed or the wrong foods (party!) I saw a pattern of regaining weight. I suspect, but will confirm in February and March that my lack of muscle mass increases my sensitivity to variables. In February I'll start rebuilding muscle mass that I've lost over the last year or two and in March I suspect my body will catch up to its new metabolism to test the sensitivity level.

Overall, I'm really happy with all of my results because I feel so much better. My body aches are completely gone, I sleep very well most nights and I'm far less susceptible to external forces dictating my mood or attitude. I also have found that I"m more social. For those of you who don't know, I'm an introverted personality which means I get my energy from recharging alone, unlike extroverts who recharge by being around people. Small talk can zap my energy, whereas deep conversations thrill me. I've noticed that my rate of depletion is much slower now.

My only disappointment is that when I got bronchitis Paleo didn't protect me from about 10 days of awful coughing. Boo! I realized later that I actually had sugar and preservatives every time I had cough medicine for those 9 days. Ooops.

Some of you who decide to try Paleo may find something else quite disappointing: You may lose your favorite treats forever, and not in a way you might think. Today is Feb 1 and it's my official cheat day but I found I didn't really want anything. Yet, I was curious so I did go and buy my favorite frozen yogurt: Kemps. I'll admit, I had 2 bowls today, but I really didn't enjoy them that much. They tasted odd and I thought "If I'm going to have a treat I want to love it and I'm just not loving this". Later I had a Sam Adams Boston Lager and it tasted really bitter. It reminded me of trying coffee for the first time and disliking it. I bet if I keep eating Kemps and keep drinking Sam Adams I'll like them again but why bother training my taste buds to like that crap again. I'm not saying I won't indulge but I think I'll be much choosier when I do. Nothing but quality for this gal!

See you in February.