Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Partying on Paleo

Hey Readers,

When I first started Paleo I knew I'd have an official cheat day on the 17th - Bryan's Holiday Party! His company throws a pretty good party with excellent pre-mixed drinks, open bar, fresh seafood, meats and cheese apps and for dinner, carving stations with sides. From the moment we walked in I had a manhattan-style drink in my hand and later finished up with Kentucky Bourbon beer. For those of you who have not tried this beer it's a must. Even beer-haters like this beer.

I'll get right to how much I cheated:

Alcohol: Check! I had 3 stiff, overpoured drinks and 2 beers. That's a lotta calories and a lot of lowered inhibitions.
Appetizers: I stuck to seafood and sliced meats mostly because not much else appealed to me.
Dinner: Roast beef and ham with some salad. The dressing is not paleo.
Dessert: Bryan made me do it.

Overall I don't feel like I overindulged with food. In fact, I got a bunch of little delicious dessert balls and didn't finish them. I walked right out with Bryan to go home and left perfectly good dessert balls on a plate, sitting on a bench! On the other hand, I definitely did with alcohol. At one point I was so happy about having cocktails that I thought it was a good idea to post that I might be hungover on Facebook. Dumb things we do when drinking. And yes, I was hungover (only a headache).

Did I gain weight? HELL YES! Whoever invented cheat days should take it back. I don't believe in them! At least not when you're in the process of trying to lose weight and happen to also be out of shape. The weight did come on over the next two days so my conclusion (FOR ME) is that a cheat day will make me gain weight every time and slow down my progress. I gained 2lbs over the next 2 days and then started losing again. Now, you'll see this in the end when I chart my weight loss, but since I first slipped up and accidentally overate until I got back down to the same weight, it took 12 days. I slipped up twice and purposely cheated once. So yeah, I'm not going to say I can never cheat, but I sure do pay a price.

But wait! There's more!!

Here my caveat: I happen to know for a fact that if I am in great physical shape, meaning my muscle mass is high and I'm fit and strong, I can go weeks eating out of control without gaining or even seeing a difference. So the sensitivity to cheating on Paleo is, I believe, based on the fact that right now my bodyhas lower than normal muscle mass so I can't "absorb" irregularities in food intake. I'll prove that theory out in February (actually I'll start before then, but that's the official month's experiment - effects of exercise with Paleo).

Coming this February....Suzanne starts moving her bum.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Let the Weight Gain Begin!

Hey Readers,

Yes, it's been a few days. Writing daily is not quite working out with work (which has been CRAZY BUSY). When I last left you I was getting a migraine. Yup, it turns out it was a migraine. Now before y'all go blaming Paleo for that,  I have been the unhappy recipient of migraines since the 6th grade when I got one in Mrs. Graffum's class. However, here's something that's never happened before: I didn't get an aura warning me that I was getting a migraine. For me, auras are a signal to take Excedrin, get home, shut the blinds and wait to get through it. Since I thought it was from office lighting/air I didn't take anything until I'd been home for about 30 minutes. Well, that migraine was fairly miserable and lasted awhile because of that delay in getting meds.

Okay, back to Paleo - Thursday I read a review of the top X diets of 2013 and Paleo was last on the list. The summary was basically that, yes, it works, but so does any diet where you eat less calories. My first reaction was that I eat as much as I want! Then I calculated what I'd ate the night before: Probably about 8 ounces of pork tenderloin and 3 chicken thighs with zucchini, onions, tomatoes. Come to estimate that it's not really that many calories after all! This theory was further proved out Friday morning when I gained weight instead of losing. You see, I went out to dinner Thursday night and ordered chicken and broccoli, cauliflower and brussel sprouts. I drank soda water. Everything is on the approved list, but what I did was allow an old mentality to creep in. I paid $14 for that chicken dish and so I ate more than I needed. I was full once I ate about half but I ended up eating about 3/4 or more. THEN I came home and wanted a treat so I ate a big slice of turkey ham. That didn't hit the spot so I had about 8 cashews (the same ones I said I wasn't going to eat anymore). The next night I had Boston Market and was full after eating the drumstick and a bit or two from the breast. I continued to eat because it was IN FRONT OF ME and because I PAID FOR IT!

Well I sure did pay for it. I went from losing 2lbs a day to gaining back about 1.5 lbs in two days. What's the lesson here? Well, actually it's a big win for me! I figured out a mentality that doesn't serve me well and I nipped it in 2 days because of how much more aware I am mentally and physically about how I am treating my body. WOO HOO! That's cause for celebration! I think I'll have a soda water with lime.

PS - I will post a timeline of my weight at the end of the 31 days.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

9 Pounds in 8 Days! If I wasn't me, I wouldn't believe it either!

Hey Readers,

I'm back with a recap of the last couple of days. First, I lost 2 pounds a night for the last two nights. I wake up excited to get on that scale, I tell ya! But I have also learned something: Hot sauce doesn't sit well with me. I had it last night and I had it the night of the Tacos and the day that followed each, I had softer, lighter stool. I don't exactly love telling you all of this but I do it for science. After all if one of you decides to try this out, I want you to have the straight poop. See what I did there? :)

I think my caffeine headaches have gone away, but I do happen to have a whopper of a headache right now that started around 3pm at work. I blamed it on fluorescents and around 4:30 asked my boss to leave early and finish the day at home. I figured the ride home and freezing air would help. It didn't. Neither did Ibuprofen. And now I have to admit this feels just like it does when I have a mild migraine. I wonder if I'll throw up later. Fun!

Going back to the positive, I feel like I am not clenching my jaw as much or maybe not at all. I used to catch myself, fully awake, clenching. It was usually when I was concentrating or thinking about something. I haven't been catching myself doing that lately and I think it's due to giving up caffeine. I say this because I found this site where a whole bunch of people posted symptoms and one of them was muscle aches. I think the book I read on Paleo said something about muscle related pain going away. Oh, crap. I don't know where I read it, but I did! Honest!!

Okay, I have to go lay down now and hope this headache leaves me soon. Take care Readers.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Do You Recognize Your Poop?

Hey Cave Clan (too silly?)

I came home from work feeling so happy today! Let's review:

  • I was stuck behind a slow car for most of the commute and as soon as it moved, I sped up for about 500 feet until a giant wide load trailer pulled out in front of me. The commute sucked.
  • I walked into the office 10 minutes late to the wonderful aroma of coffee. Meh.
  • I had 7 back to back meetings from 10 to 5 (I'm including lunch) so I stayed until about 7:30 to finish up some things. 
  • I had to stop at the grocery store to grab some chicken to cook because I didn't plan ahead and defrost any. 
  • My car didn't drive up to me like I wanted it to. When I left the building I had to walk to IT.
Most other days I'd be annoyed. Today I wasn't. I didn't even get home until 8:20 or so and still enjoyed cooking my dinner, telling Bryan about my day, eating my dinner, watching a little TV, and snuggling with Bryan. And now, I'm writing my blog. I'm in a great mood. Is it from eating Paleo? Who knows? I'll see if this becomes a trend. 

A few updates:

Food: We made tacos last night and they were SOOOO delicious. We used this recipe from The Fittest Fat Phat Girl's site to make the taco seasoning. What a great name. I wish I'd thought of it. Then we made homemade guacamole: Mash up two avocados and add homemade pico de gallo, sprinkle a little cumin and salt and YUM! Bryan makes the best pico by dicing red onions, tomatoes, jalapenos, garlic, lime juice and cumin. It is TO DIE FOR! We use it standalone, in the guac and to cook with eggs. Addictive, I tell you. Oh, but don't worry, we didn't use tacos, we used iceberg lettuce. With the first bite we noticed the lettuce overpowered it so we sprinkled hot sauce on it and BOOM (not BAM!) it made it perfect. 

Headache: I woke up with no headache so I was pretty psyched about that. Today was my first day back in the office since I started and I was looking forward to a headache free day. Well, it didn't last long. By 10ish I started to feel it and I had it all day. Excedrin rescued me. Hey, I know there's caffeine in it, but I gotta work! The good news is that it was much milder than the other days. I was chatting with a couple of my coworkers about Paleo and giving up caffeine and one of them told me it took his wife 3 weeks to get it completely out of her system. Strangely enough, that comforts me. 

Slept pretty well last night except for when Kitty woke me up at 5:45am. I went back to sleep until my alarm went off with no issues. I seem to be falling asleep faster because I don't really remember it. You know how you wake up and you're like "Oh! It's morning" rather than "Uh, I was up until 1am last night!"? It's nice. 

Poop: I took a picture to show you all. Just kidding. I did find this poop link though. Do you recognize YOUR poop? BTW, the inner workings do seem to be getting better but it's early yet. Taking probiotics and magnesium daily. 

Finally, my weight: I decided to go naked because ensuring the clothes are the same weight is not easy when you have to leave the house and go to work like an adult. The first 5 days I was pretty much wearing leggings and a t-shirt, which, btw, doubles as my pjs. Soon it will triple as workout gear. So I estimate I've lost 4-5lbs so far but can't be sure so we'll officially start counting down today: Since I DO have a goal weight I know that I Have 20.3lbs to go. Tomorrow I hope I land below 20lbs. Maybe I should start a betting pool.

PS: Sorry for the misleading title. I bet you looked though. ;-)

Time to get my quality sleep now. Night night Readers. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Going Through Withdrawal

Hey Readers,

Going forward these will be small notes but I'm packing in 5 days into one post so please forgive the length.

I thought I was starting Paleo but it turns out the biggest change so far has been the increase in a mild headache, face-ache and weird body pains. You might think that's enough to argue it's a bad thing, this Paleo, but I also feel better. Huh. How do I feel better if I have a headache every day? I don't know really, I feel more clear headed and awake. It's quite hard to quantify, actually so I'll just go day by day:

JAN 1 (Day 1)

My birthday was December 19th and for my gift, Bryan agreed to enthusiastically do Paleo with me. Yay! It's so much easier knowing that he won't make something I can't have, that he thinks I can, and ask if I want it. That leads to me feeling torn between eating the way I need to and rejecting his offer. But better than that, I get to go on this journey with my favorite person.

Day 1 surprised me because I was HUNGRY all day. We ate eggs, bacon, pork, zucchini, cauliflower with a few other flavorings like garlic, tomato, spices. I ate probably every 2 hours and that was me resisting. Historically this type of eating keeps me sated so I sort of panicked silently.

In terms of giving up things, the hardest part was drinking water instead of Crystal light or coffee. mmmm coffee. Some of you might be wondering why I won't drink Crystal Light or even black coffee. I'll summarize what I am and not doing at the end and why.


I woke up with a headache assuming it was due to the heat automatically turning on while I was still sleeping. I decided to see if it'd go away on its own. Because the day before I was unusually hungry I did a little reading and found it could be that I wasn't eating enough fat and protein, in that order so I added turkey ham to the eggs, had the rest of the pork dish and cooked 12 breakfast sausages for snacking that night. Plus we added some almonds and cashews.

My headache didn't go away so I took excedrin (which has caffeine) in the afternoon and by evening it was gone. Hmmm.


The headache was there again this morning and that's when I realized I must be going through caffeine withdrawal. Truth be told I got kind of excited! If I'm going through withdrawal it means caffeine was noticeably affecting my body (good or bad). You see, I sleep like sh*t and I never believed it was caffeine related because when I have coffee, I don't seem to "feel" anything. I don't drink it to wake up, I drink it as a part of my routine and it's an emotional thing. This headache gave me hope that the whole idea of being as strict as I can might have benefits I don't even know I need. Yay!

More good news: I am not feeling as hungry.


This was a good day. Yeah, I woke up with my face aching, and took more excedrin, but today I felt really full after eating breakfast and lunch. For dinner I had a bunch of almonds because I wasn't hungry enough to cook anything. I did notice, however, that I didn't feel as good after eating them so I think a) I over did it and b) I'll stop eating nuts for the remainder of the days just in case. I can always have more in month two to see if I noticed any sensitivity.

When going to sleep I did notice some weird body aches in my legs and hips. I'll keep an eye on that.


Woke up with a headache and took ibuprofen instead of excedrin. Why? Because I want to eliminate caffeine. I'm happy to report that it worked and I'm headache free. Normally ibuprofen doesn't touch my normal headaches so this is interesting.

Summary of pros:

  1. Feel more clear headed and awake during awake hours
  2. Sated by meals and hunger signals are for true hunger, not cravings.
  3. Only had one craving for coffee and it's gone away.
  4. I prefer water now and drink it readily.
  5. I think I'm sleeping better but it's unclear since I still get woken up by kitties. Too soon to tell.
  6. I've lost 1.5lbs according to the scale, but I think that will be better tracked over a longer period of time. That could easily be normal fluctuation.
  7. Oh yeah, and I haven't had any heart palpitations. Yup, I was having some weird fluttering in spurts. Too soon to tell, but so far none.

Summary of cons;

  1. Headache every day due to caffeine withdrawal.
  2. A little constipated but strangely less so than normal. 

What I'm doing;
  • Eating meats: Beef, pork, chicken, fish. Although grass fed meat would be ideal it's not very practical or budget friendly. Plus it overwhelms me and makes me want to stop until it's perfect. So in the meantime I'm doing some research so when it becomes more important for me to try I know where to go. 
    • Meat that's not grass fed or organic is not the best is because they aren't usually free to roam naturally (read: caged or confined), there are hormones, steroids, preservatives in the food, pesticides that are used to grow the food and some of the foods are GMOs (haven't done enough research on this one to have a strong opinion). These all accumulate in the fat of the meat.
  • NOT eating or drinking dairy, not even cheddar cheese!
    • It turns out any dairy messes with your digestion and cause inflammation. It's possible that the effects are so minor that I may not notice what they are until I go without for this trial of 31 days. I'm willing to do that. 
  • NOT eating any grains
    • I happen to know they cause problems for me despite the two extensive allergy tests coming up with zero allergies. I stumbled across this realization when I first went on Atkins 15 years ago and FINALLY stopped getting daily hives on my FACE! Ugh. So this is proof that doctors don't know everything. 
  • NOT eating legumes (including peanuts)
    • This was news to me but apparently they can cause digestive problems and they can prevent nutrition absorption. This is a case where I'm willing to see what happens so I'm giving them up. 
  • NOT drinking coffee or anything with artificial sweetener.
    • There's a chance coffee is not helping me in the sleep or weight loss department so I'm kicking it to see what happens. 
  • Drinking seltzer water with lemon or lime juice as a treat.
    • I shouldn't be doing this because lime juice has preservatives - I found this out after I'd consumed 3 or 4 delightful glasses. Then I panicked. Then I relaxed. I'm going to limit it to only when I crave it so it doesn't become a habit. 
  • Taking probiotics - healthy bacteria that aids in digestion and can help counter constipation. I'm also planning to get some prebiotics which are food for probiotics. They seem harder to find.
  • Taking Magnesium which should help with sleeping and constipation. 
Exercise is important but I'm focusing on this so I don't end up either overwhelming myself or failing to meet my standards and giving up altogether. 

I weigh myself once a morning with clothes on, before eating, after tinkling (as my mom would say). I want to lose 25lbs so I write down how much more I have to lose each day. This is not me obsessing about weight, rather it's one of the only easily attained metrics. I could have gone to my doctor and gotten all sorts of blood work done, but I would never have started. And plus, I'm a lucky person because I almost never have anything out of whack from those tests. I'm virtually indestructible. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Day Has Come

Finally, I really and truly want to give up all of my bad habits. I didn't think that day would ever come to be honest. I mean, the thought of living a life where I chose to live a lifestyle that's healthy in a holistic way and not piecemeal? Well, I knew deep down I wasn't really committed to THAT. We'll call that the 80/20 Suz - only 80% committed. But something clicked in my last month and I can only attribute it to time. It is simply the time for me where I truly want to live my life in such a way that I can maximize my potential and well being. I'm ready.

That led me to the foundation of feeling great which is physical health, which led me to exploring the Paleo lifestyle. I knew already that it was likely a very good way for me to eat because since 1999 I've been loosely following a high protein/fat, low carb way of eating (not counting the last 2 years of course!). However, I feel like that way of eating was 80/20 and left out an important part which is how my body feels. Let me explain: I felt great in terms of my strength, power and how I looked, but I still slept like crap, my memory wasn't as sharp, and I wasn't always feeling very great or grateful about my life - we'll call it melancholy. On top of it, I always had digestive issues where I was perpetually constipated. Yup, I went there. 

So then my 80/20 Suz flipped to 20/80 Suz and you can imagine where things went: I gained 25lbs, virtually stopped working out, started eating pizza and just generally gave up. I had aches in my knees, lower back and feet and got sick more often. And this was all happening while I was in the best relationship of my life! I didn't want this anymore so I started reading a book about Paleo by Robb Wolf. I was hooked. I'm no expert so I won't go into specifics because this isn't what the blog is about, but I will tell you that the logic and science that is behind Paleo makes total sense to me. 

The general idea is that if you eat animals, veggies and fruits that were here before the agricultural revolution, our bodies will work at their peak. Remember how we learned in school how the Agricultural and Industrial (and now Technology) revolutions dramatically changed how people live and the environments? Prior to agriculture people were likely nomadic and hunting and gathering so they were exercising, eating anmials and eating veggies and fruits naturally available. They were doing this for thousands of years and the human body became perfect for this (natural selection). What happens when agriculture is introduced is that suddenly the human body is adapting but the evolution doesn't necessarily catch up so this results in health problems. Add processed food into the mix and it just gets worse. 

So I'm doing this because I want to:
  • Get back to a healthy weight
  • Which will motivate me to keep going and start working out again
  • Sleep soundly and feel well rested
  • Sharpen my mind
  • Improve my mood and gratitude for life
  • Have more energy
  • Improve my self-love
Now onto the results thus far...