Monday, January 6, 2014

Do You Recognize Your Poop?

Hey Cave Clan (too silly?)

I came home from work feeling so happy today! Let's review:

  • I was stuck behind a slow car for most of the commute and as soon as it moved, I sped up for about 500 feet until a giant wide load trailer pulled out in front of me. The commute sucked.
  • I walked into the office 10 minutes late to the wonderful aroma of coffee. Meh.
  • I had 7 back to back meetings from 10 to 5 (I'm including lunch) so I stayed until about 7:30 to finish up some things. 
  • I had to stop at the grocery store to grab some chicken to cook because I didn't plan ahead and defrost any. 
  • My car didn't drive up to me like I wanted it to. When I left the building I had to walk to IT.
Most other days I'd be annoyed. Today I wasn't. I didn't even get home until 8:20 or so and still enjoyed cooking my dinner, telling Bryan about my day, eating my dinner, watching a little TV, and snuggling with Bryan. And now, I'm writing my blog. I'm in a great mood. Is it from eating Paleo? Who knows? I'll see if this becomes a trend. 

A few updates:

Food: We made tacos last night and they were SOOOO delicious. We used this recipe from The Fittest Fat Phat Girl's site to make the taco seasoning. What a great name. I wish I'd thought of it. Then we made homemade guacamole: Mash up two avocados and add homemade pico de gallo, sprinkle a little cumin and salt and YUM! Bryan makes the best pico by dicing red onions, tomatoes, jalapenos, garlic, lime juice and cumin. It is TO DIE FOR! We use it standalone, in the guac and to cook with eggs. Addictive, I tell you. Oh, but don't worry, we didn't use tacos, we used iceberg lettuce. With the first bite we noticed the lettuce overpowered it so we sprinkled hot sauce on it and BOOM (not BAM!) it made it perfect. 

Headache: I woke up with no headache so I was pretty psyched about that. Today was my first day back in the office since I started and I was looking forward to a headache free day. Well, it didn't last long. By 10ish I started to feel it and I had it all day. Excedrin rescued me. Hey, I know there's caffeine in it, but I gotta work! The good news is that it was much milder than the other days. I was chatting with a couple of my coworkers about Paleo and giving up caffeine and one of them told me it took his wife 3 weeks to get it completely out of her system. Strangely enough, that comforts me. 

Slept pretty well last night except for when Kitty woke me up at 5:45am. I went back to sleep until my alarm went off with no issues. I seem to be falling asleep faster because I don't really remember it. You know how you wake up and you're like "Oh! It's morning" rather than "Uh, I was up until 1am last night!"? It's nice. 

Poop: I took a picture to show you all. Just kidding. I did find this poop link though. Do you recognize YOUR poop? BTW, the inner workings do seem to be getting better but it's early yet. Taking probiotics and magnesium daily. 

Finally, my weight: I decided to go naked because ensuring the clothes are the same weight is not easy when you have to leave the house and go to work like an adult. The first 5 days I was pretty much wearing leggings and a t-shirt, which, btw, doubles as my pjs. Soon it will triple as workout gear. So I estimate I've lost 4-5lbs so far but can't be sure so we'll officially start counting down today: Since I DO have a goal weight I know that I Have 20.3lbs to go. Tomorrow I hope I land below 20lbs. Maybe I should start a betting pool.

PS: Sorry for the misleading title. I bet you looked though. ;-)

Time to get my quality sleep now. Night night Readers. 

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