Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Day Has Come

Finally, I really and truly want to give up all of my bad habits. I didn't think that day would ever come to be honest. I mean, the thought of living a life where I chose to live a lifestyle that's healthy in a holistic way and not piecemeal? Well, I knew deep down I wasn't really committed to THAT. We'll call that the 80/20 Suz - only 80% committed. But something clicked in my last month and I can only attribute it to time. It is simply the time for me where I truly want to live my life in such a way that I can maximize my potential and well being. I'm ready.

That led me to the foundation of feeling great which is physical health, which led me to exploring the Paleo lifestyle. I knew already that it was likely a very good way for me to eat because since 1999 I've been loosely following a high protein/fat, low carb way of eating (not counting the last 2 years of course!). However, I feel like that way of eating was 80/20 and left out an important part which is how my body feels. Let me explain: I felt great in terms of my strength, power and how I looked, but I still slept like crap, my memory wasn't as sharp, and I wasn't always feeling very great or grateful about my life - we'll call it melancholy. On top of it, I always had digestive issues where I was perpetually constipated. Yup, I went there. 

So then my 80/20 Suz flipped to 20/80 Suz and you can imagine where things went: I gained 25lbs, virtually stopped working out, started eating pizza and just generally gave up. I had aches in my knees, lower back and feet and got sick more often. And this was all happening while I was in the best relationship of my life! I didn't want this anymore so I started reading a book about Paleo by Robb Wolf. I was hooked. I'm no expert so I won't go into specifics because this isn't what the blog is about, but I will tell you that the logic and science that is behind Paleo makes total sense to me. 

The general idea is that if you eat animals, veggies and fruits that were here before the agricultural revolution, our bodies will work at their peak. Remember how we learned in school how the Agricultural and Industrial (and now Technology) revolutions dramatically changed how people live and the environments? Prior to agriculture people were likely nomadic and hunting and gathering so they were exercising, eating anmials and eating veggies and fruits naturally available. They were doing this for thousands of years and the human body became perfect for this (natural selection). What happens when agriculture is introduced is that suddenly the human body is adapting but the evolution doesn't necessarily catch up so this results in health problems. Add processed food into the mix and it just gets worse. 

So I'm doing this because I want to:
  • Get back to a healthy weight
  • Which will motivate me to keep going and start working out again
  • Sleep soundly and feel well rested
  • Sharpen my mind
  • Improve my mood and gratitude for life
  • Have more energy
  • Improve my self-love
Now onto the results thus far...

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