Wednesday, January 8, 2014

9 Pounds in 8 Days! If I wasn't me, I wouldn't believe it either!

Hey Readers,

I'm back with a recap of the last couple of days. First, I lost 2 pounds a night for the last two nights. I wake up excited to get on that scale, I tell ya! But I have also learned something: Hot sauce doesn't sit well with me. I had it last night and I had it the night of the Tacos and the day that followed each, I had softer, lighter stool. I don't exactly love telling you all of this but I do it for science. After all if one of you decides to try this out, I want you to have the straight poop. See what I did there? :)

I think my caffeine headaches have gone away, but I do happen to have a whopper of a headache right now that started around 3pm at work. I blamed it on fluorescents and around 4:30 asked my boss to leave early and finish the day at home. I figured the ride home and freezing air would help. It didn't. Neither did Ibuprofen. And now I have to admit this feels just like it does when I have a mild migraine. I wonder if I'll throw up later. Fun!

Going back to the positive, I feel like I am not clenching my jaw as much or maybe not at all. I used to catch myself, fully awake, clenching. It was usually when I was concentrating or thinking about something. I haven't been catching myself doing that lately and I think it's due to giving up caffeine. I say this because I found this site where a whole bunch of people posted symptoms and one of them was muscle aches. I think the book I read on Paleo said something about muscle related pain going away. Oh, crap. I don't know where I read it, but I did! Honest!!

Okay, I have to go lay down now and hope this headache leaves me soon. Take care Readers.

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